Cultural Proficiency YOUR Journey Begins HERE
Valuing Diversity through Equity, Access, and Inclusion for ALL
We believe each and every child should be given access and opportunity in education so that ALL thrive in society. We acknowledge that school organizations and individual educators, who value diversity, open doors for students who have been historically underserved. These educators intentionally dismantle barriers through systemic organizational change and individual transformation.
Culturally proficient educators view Cultural Proficiency as a journey and the way forward in educating today’s youth. Our vision is to build capacity within organizations and individuals through increased equity, access, and inclusion so that each and every child thrives in our society, both now and in the future.
“Working with MCCPS has helped our district grow our understanding of Cultural Proficiency and see its importance, thus helping us to create more equitable learning experiences for our students.”
— Cara H., Executive Director of Secondary Education
"Working with Dr. Welborn has been an absolute awakening! I had the pleasure of starting my Cultural Proficiency journey with MCCPS 3 years ago during a district professional development session. This work is rooted in developing sustainable practices to approach inequities and institutionalized barriers.
This is not just another diversity & equity training! The development of structures and frameworks to move us forward as educators in the work of equity and Cultural Proficiency has changed the way I address issues of inequity and race in my practice as a building administrator and district leader.”
-Tamika D., Middle School Assistant Principal
Raising Equity and Opening Access
So that ALL Students THRIVE!
The Cultural Proficiency Journey to Continuous School Improvement
Whether you are interested in district-level equity consultant work, building-level professional learning, becoming a certified trainer of Cultural Proficiency, looking for resources, or joining a community of learners on the journey of Cultural Proficiency, please contact us! We are dedicated to connecting professionals, increasing knowledge, spreading ideas, and building capacity by valuing diversity through equity, access, and inclusion for ALL.
Email /
(636) 259-0993